Self-Portrait, 2019
Wood panel, canvas, acrylic/oil-based enamel, tampons, manila rope, mixed medium.
10’ x 7’ 7”
Price available upon request
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Predetermined Self-Portrait
(My first mass shooting), 2019
Wood Panel, canvas, acrylic/oil-based enamel.
27” x 14”
Present Self-Portrait
(Sachet), 2019
Wood panel, canvas, acrylic/oil-based enamel.
27” x 14”
Projected Self-Portrait
(Laughing with the homie Dylann in heaven right before we toss 9 fat—booty Latina hoes—poolside—at a nigga’s rooftop pool—about how at least we both survived our first mass shootings), 2019
Wood Panel, acrylic/oil-based enamel, tampons, mixed medium.
27” x 14”
Pussy-ass Self-portrait
(Hope), 2019
Wood panel, acrylic/oil-based enamel, tampons, mixed medium.
27” x 14”
Psychological Self-Portrait
(My body), 2019
Wood panel, acrylic/oil-based enamel, manila rope, mixed medium.
67” x 36”